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A researcher wearing pink latex gloves and a white lab coat pipettes into a small vial.

Raising critical funds for breast cancer patients at the UNC Breast Center

This October, during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, you can help us continue providing excellent care to women throughout the state of North Carolina by participating in our virtual fundraiser, Power of Pink!Power of Pink logo Funds raised through this campaign will help patients experiencing breast cancer while also supporting our clinical needs to serve them.

UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center is home to one of the nation’s premier breast cancer programs. This exceptional program exemplifies the interdisciplinary team approach, not only in the high quality, compassionate care that women receive at the UNC Breast Center, but also in the program’s broad-based, integrated and innovative research that will reduce the burden of breast cancer.

Today, an estimated 3 million women are living with breast cancer, more than ever before in our history. Since the mid-1970s, we have made spectacular progress in breast cancer early screening, treatment and prevention. Because we have used research to develop, test and use new approaches, almost 90% of all women live at least five years following a breast cancer diagnosis

How You Can Help

Start a fundraising page, customize your narrative, and add pictures. Give friends and family an idea about why you are fundraising for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, specifically why UNC Lineberger and the North Carolina Basnight Cancer Hospital are important to you. Or create a list of friends and family members you want to join you in your fundraising efforts. Send them an email or reach out to them. If you’d like to create a fundraising page, please contact Taylor Zimmerman, Assistant Director of Annual Giving, at 919-445-0745 or

Helpful Resources


For more information, please contact:

Taylor Zimmerman, MPA
Assistant Director of Annual Giving
UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center